Welcome to the home page of the MSU-CHM Early Mentors for Research Program (EMR-P). EMR-P is a program designed to match first or second year medical students at the MSU College of Human Medicine to research mentors. Please read below for more detailed information:
Student Eligiblity: Students must be a first year (ECE) or second year (MCE) medical student enrolled at MSU-CHM who has not yet been placed by the EMR-P with an MSU-CHM research mentor.
Mentor eligibility: Research mentors must be a Chair, Director, Faculty, Clinician, Resident, Fellow, Post-Doc or Staff at the MSU College of Human Medicine who has an affiliation with a CHM department. Mentors do not have to be paid by MSU and can be primary employees of non-MSU institutions, as long as they have an MSU affiliation (an @msu.edu email). Please contact CHM.Research@msu.edu if you have any questions.
How the program works:
In the Fall of each year, research mentors (Chair, Director, Faculty, Clinician, Resident, Fellow, Post-Doc or Staff) are matched to medical student(s) who have signed up to be part of the Early Mentors for Research Program. Intentions are to match every student who signs up for the program to a research mentor, which is why we ask for your participation.
Late summer through the Fall semester: Research mentors interested in participating must complete
In early Fall, second year students will be offered a chance to register for the program to be matched to a research mentor. These students will be matched to our pool of research mentors in mid-Fall. In late Fall, first year students will be offered a chance to register for EMR-P. These students will be matched to mentors in November/December. We expect over 100 students to register for the program.
Important information:
Mentors who register for the program and complete all requirements (see below) are eligible for $500 reimbursement for research costs per student OR 10 hours of educational credit per student mentored.
All Research Mentors seeking eligibility for $500 reimbursement for research costs per student OR 10 hours of educational credit per student are required to:
- Complete the Research Mentor Registration Form to register as a Mentor.
- Log in with your MSU netID and password or create an account on InfoReady
- Indicate on the Registration Form that you would like to participate as an EMR-P mentor.
- After being matched to a student, complete the EMR-P Learning Agreement in conjunction with their assigned mentee(s) and turn in the document to the responsible party by May 15, 2024.
- Complete EMR-P Evaluation Survey when prompted to do so via email toward the end of the program cycle.
NOTE: Funds are processed through CHM-affiliated departments and/or programs. You must speak with your department and/or program administrator on how to access funds for reimbursement of research-related expenses. Funds may NOT be paid out directly or used for salary support/summer salary.
Mentors must register using the Mentor Registration Form each year if they want to be eligible for funding or educational credit.