Using InfoReady - A Guide

Using InfoReady

InfoReady is an online platform used by the CHM Office of Research to help manage the numerous support resources provided to medical students conducting, or looking to conduct, research.   

The InfoReady website is the place to go for:

1. Research project matching/registration (including registration for students and mentors for EMR-P)

2. EMR-P Mentor-Student learning agreements

3. Travel, research enhancement, or poster funding

4. Applications for research scholarships

5. Abstract submission for the CHM Fall Virtual Scholarly Activity Symposium

6. Communication with the CHM Research Office about research matching, support, funding, etc..


Here’s how it works… 

You can access InfoReady at the MSU CHM Student Research InfoReady page or

If you are an MSU student or faculty member:

  1. Log in to InfoReady with your MSU NetID and password. 
  2. The table on the home page lists a variety of forms including research matching registration, reseach mentor registration, funding requests, and others.
  3. Select the appropriate forms according to your needs and click the link to access the form.  
  4. After submitting a form, you may receive a follow-up notification to submit additional information or documentation through InfoReady.

For those without at MSU NetID or if you don't know your MSU NetID:

  1. Create an account in InfoReady using the email address of your choice.
  2. Follow instructions 2-4 above.

Questions about InfoReady? Please email: or call: 517-884-8038.