Statistical Help


The MSU-CHM Office of Research sponsors the MSU Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT) for providing statistical assistance to faculty, residents, research staff, and students.   

CSTAT can help with study design, data collection planning, and data analysis, writing manuscripts, or collaborating on grant proposals.

You can find more information about CSTAT here:

CSTAT can provide:

    1. Medical students or residents: up to 15 hours of statistics support per year (July 1 to June 30). It is encouraged and sometimes required to schedule a joint meeting with the student, mentor, and CSTAT statistician to clarify the aims of the project.  *Please note only one request can be made per project. If multiple students are on the same project, they can request an extension of 5 hours
    2. Faculty, postdocs, or research staff: up to 25 hours of statistics support per year (July 1 to June 30)
    3. For collaborations on grant proposals, it is expected that the statistician will be in included in the budget of the submitted proposal
    4. For grant funded projects PIs are expected to cover the cost of the statistician (These projects are not included in 1 and 2).
    5. It is encouraged that CHM researchers consult with statisticians before data collection, whenever feasible.

Resources are available on the CSTAT website, for example “Beginners Guide to Research” or example protocols.  This video provides a guide through website and resources (8 minutes).

To request assistance, please go to the CSTAT home page: and click "Schedule a meeting" to explain the project.