CHM Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Student Process
The MSU Graduate School requires all academic units to have a Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) plan that teaches students involved in research projects about the correct approaches to the research process.
CHM RCR Curriculum
All CHM students conducting research during medical school must complete 4 hours of Initial RCR training and 6 hours of "discussion-based" RCR training. CHM has set up the RCR training program such that this trianing is REQUIRED of all students.
What do I have to do?
The below list shows the RCR Trainings you will complete or have already completed.
- Four online modules in CITI system (completed in Fall of Year 1 of SDC), see "INITIAL TRAINING" below for more details
- 6 hours of discussion-based training (completed in the Epidemiology intersession (4 hours) and the Patient Vulnerabilities and Health Systems intersession (2 hours)). See "DISCUSSION-BASED TRAINING" below.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that simply completing the trainings is not enough to obtain credit for RCR training.
During the first year of medical school, you will be required to complete a group of four modules within the CITI training site. These modules are called the "MSU Graduate School RCR Program" and can be accessed via this link:
- Follow instructions under "How to Enroll in CITI RCR Courses"
- For the purposes of this training, follow instructions for Graduate Students
Modules to complete are:
- Introduction to RCR
- Authorship
- Plagiarism
- Research Misconduct
You are required to complete these modules as part of the Research Career Development session in Fall of Year 1.
Documentation of completion of the CITI modules is done automatically if you have registered with the CITI site using your email address.
If you already have an existing CITI account, you can merge your existing account with your new MSU account by updating your preferred primary email on your existing account to your email.
To find documentation of the RCR CITI Modules, log into the CITI program page here: Click "View Courses" next to Michigan State University (MSU). Under "Completed Courses" you should see MSU Graduate School RCR Program, and a link for "View-Print-Share Record". Click that and print/save a copy of the completion certificate.
A completion certificate may also be found in MSU's Ability system:
When participating in research over a time period spanning more than one academic year, students must complete an additional 6 hours of discussion-based training. These 6 hours of RCR must be completed and documented before you graduate.
For 6 hours of Discussion-based RCR training:
- The required Epidemiology intersession covers material that can be used for 4 hours of RCR training.
--Topics covered include: Critical appraisal of research, bias in clinical research, biostatistical analysis and interpretation
- The required Patient Vulnerabilities and Health Systems intersession covers material that can be used for 2 hours of RCR training.
--Topics covered include: Humans as subjects in biomedical research, mentoring and managing conflicts of interest
Documentation of discussion-based training is accomplished through MSU's Ability system:
NOTE: The Ability system for documentation of Discussion Based RCR training for MSU-CHM medical students is under development and is expected to be availably for Spring 2023.
INSTRUCTIONS for Tracking RCR Training
Once you complete your required intersessions, you have successfully completed RCR training.
Docmuentation of this training is available through the MSU Ability System:
A completion certificate may be required for certain research coursework at CHM, and by certain institutions.
If you have questions about the RCR Plan or the tracking system, please contact Mark Trottier, PhD, Student Research Director, or Angie Zell, Project Coordinator.