The Medical Student Research Journal (MSRJ) is a research journal authored, reviewed, edited and published by medical students, for medical students. It is currently the longest running, active medical-student run research journal in the United States. MSRJ is dedicated to promoting scientific achievements of medical students, teaching principles of peer review, and providing editorial, publishing and leadership experiences. Medical students worldwide are invited to submit manuscripts and/or to serve as trained reviewers. The MSRJ publishes original research, case reports, editorials, brief reports, reviews and reflections that meet required standards, are authored by a medical student and advance science. The MSRJ is sponsored by the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (CHM)
If you are interested in becoming a member of MSRJ as a reviewer, or as part of the journal operations staff, please see our home page ( ). If you are interested in submitting an article to MSRJ.