Other Resources to Support Student Research

MSU and the College of Human Medicine offer a variety of support for student research activities.  Please see the below list for some of those resources:


  1. Project development. Can support students in various project tasks, including literature searching, developing a research question, protocol writing, IRB applications, preparing posters/presentations and writing manuscripts.  Contact CHM.Research@msu.edu for help with project development.   
  2. Statistical Support - https://research.chm.msu.edu/students-residents/statistical-help
  3. Publication funding assistance. The MSU Library has entered into agreements to offer free or discounted publishing in several Open Access journals. See this page for more info: https://lib.msu.edu/about/collections/scholcomm/support/.   MSU also has an institutional fellowship with BMJ Case Reports for publication for free: https://lib.msu.edu/medicalwriting_publishing/
  4. MSU Librarian. The MSU-CHM librarian is Iris Kovar-Gough and she can support you in various ways, including help with literature searching and use of library resources. See here for more info:  https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/prf.php?account_id=26294
  5. Citation Management Software. The MSU Library offers several citation management software options, including EndNote Web, Mendeley, and Zotero. https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/health-sci-research-skills/write-and-cite
  6. Covidence for Systematic Reviews - Free Covidence account through MSU Libraries. https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/covidence
  7. Qualtrics survey platform - MSU has a license for the full Qualtrics survey suite.  Log in here to begin using: https://qualtrics.msu.edu/ 
  8. Research travel and research enhancement funding - see this page: https://research.chm.msu.edu/students-residents/chm-msu-funding-request-procedures
  9. Research Office Scholarships - awarded in the Spring of each year. Check page in late Fall/early Spring: https://research.chm.msu.edu/students-residents/2024-msu-chm-office-of-research-research-scholarships
  10. REDCap - the MSU Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC) provides access to REDCap software, a secure system for online and offline data capture for research studies, including surveys and databases.  https://ctsi.msu.edu/redcap-software